New Hire Enrollment

IMPORTANT: To take full advantage of new coverage options, all teammates must actively enroll this year. Your surcharge responses from 2023 will not carry-over.
Key Headlines
- New Medical Carrier
- New Pharmacy Benefits Manager (PBM)
- Medical Premium Update
- HSA Primary Deductible Update
- Tobacco & Working Spouse Surcharges
- Evidence of Insurability (EOI) Waived for Buy-Up STD and Supplemental Life
- Increased MetLife Voluntary Benefit Coverage
Enroll Early for a Chance to Win!
If you enroll by October 22, you will be entered to win one of two $500 gift cards of your choosing!
What's New & Changing for 2024

New Medical Carrier
We are excited to announce that medical insurance will be offered through Aetna in 2024, which includes:
- No cost telehealth care through CVS Health Virtual Care
- Seamlessly integrated provider search and comparison tools (previously offered through Amino)
The same five plans will continue to be offered with slight changes to plan design. You will be mapped to the same plan you are in currently, which you can change during the Annual Enrollment period. We recommend a review to ensure it continues to meet your family's needs for the year ahead.
To help you find doctors within the network, visit the Aetna Choice POS II Provider Search.
Aetna is giving away an Apple Watch! This contest runs during the month of January – more information will be sent in early 2024.

Medical Premium Update
There is a moderate increase to medical premiums which is essential to sustaining the quality of care and coverage provided. You will be able to review your premiums during the Annual Enrollment period beginning October 17. Teammates who earn under $100K will not have a medical premium increase.

New Pharmacy Benefits Manager (PBM)
As we move to Aetna, we've teamed up with CVS Caremark for your prescription drug coverage. This switch is designed to make our pharmacy services smoother and improve the experience for you, including the flexibility to fill your 90 day maintenance medication prescriptions at any participating pharmacy.
Your prescription ID card will continue to be consolidated with your medical ID card that will be produced by Aetna.

Action Needed!
Tobacco & Working Spouse Surcharges
During Annual Enrollment, you will need to resubmit your responses to the tobacco and working spouse surcharge questions to avoid the non-refundable monthly surcharges.
- You must attest whether or not you and your covered spouse use tobacco/nicotine. If you use tobacco or fail to respond to the question, there will be a nonrefundable monthly $150 surcharge. The Company will provide options to help you quit to avoid the surcharge and promote good health!
- You will also need to attest whether or not your spouse has a medical plan available to them through their employer. If they do, you can still cover them under your Envision medical plan, but a nonrefundable monthly $150 surcharge will apply. If you fail to actively participate in Annual Enrollment and have a spouse on our medical plan, the surcharge will apply.

HSA Primary Deductible Update
The IRS has updated its requirements for High-Deductible Health Plans (HDHPs) for 2024, resulting in an increase of the HSA Primary individual deductible from $3,100 to $3,200.

Evidence of Insurability (EOI) Waived for Buy-Up STD and Supplemental Life
This is the final special enrollment opportunity for Buy-Up Short-Term Disability (STD) or Supplemental Life up to the guarantee issue: it's your last chance to enroll in these plans with no medical questions (EOI) required.
The STD buy-up plan helps bridge the gap between your salary and your Employer provided STD plan so you can be more financially secure should the unexpected happen.
Supplemental Life insurance can provide your family with additional financial resources if you or a covered family member pass away prematurely. It can help your family cover final expenses or living expenses, pay off your mortgage, or pay unexpected medical bills.

Increased MetLife Voluntary Benefit Coverage
We've enhanced our Critical Illness and Accident Insurance plans by removing age reduction and increasing various benefits, offering you better protection against unexpected medical expenses.
Our Hospital Indemnity plan also eliminates age reduction and now covers mental illness and drug/alcohol misuse, providing comprehensive care for your well-being.
Additionally, our Legal Plan includes 20 hours of legal services for reproductive assistance matters like surrogacy, egg/sperm donation and more.
Paying for Benefits
- You are eligible for the benefit program if you work at least 117 hours per month or 27 hours per week.
- Your dependents may participate in your benefit plans if they meet all eligibility requirements.
- Envision will conduct eligibility audits for both you and your dependents to ensure compliance.
- For current teammates making benefit changes during Annual Enrollment, your coverage is effective January 1 .
- For newly eligible teammates, your coverage is effective the first day of eligible employment, provided you enroll within 30 days from your date of hire or date of eligibility.
Dependent Eligibility
Eligible dependents include:
- Your lawful Spouse or Domestic Partner
- Qualifying Domestic Partners (same or opposite sex) have the same eligibility for ALL benefits as a Spouse. See the Domestic Partners policy on the benefits website for more information regarding possible tax forms.
- Spouse is defined as your legally married spouse or your common law spouse (only in states where recognized)
- Dependent children include biological children, children of your domestic partner, legally adopted children, stepchildren, or children for whom you or your spouse is the court-ordered child’s legal guardian. A dependent child may be covered until the end of the month in which the child reaches age 26.
- Your unmarried dependent children over age 26 who are not able to support themselves due to a mental, physical or developmental disability, and are financially supported by you. Proof of disability is required.
Ineligible persons include:
- Adult children as of end of month in which they attain age 26
- Legally separated or divorced spouse
- Former domestic partner
- Grandchildren
- Siblings
- Cousins
- Fiancé, girlfriend or boyfriend (unless a qualified domestic partner)
- Spouse of an eligible adult child
- Child(ren) of an eligible adult child
- Grandparent
Want to Know More About Your Benefits? Summary Plan Descriptions (SPDs), benefit summaries and other important documents are posted on the benefits website at
Get instant answers to your questions by chatting with SofiaSM, your personal benefits assistant, available at and the MyChoice benefits app. Sofia can answer many of your benefits questions in over 20 languages. If you prefer to speak to someone, you can call the benefits center at 1-844-771-9332.
Benefit Deductions
Teammates who are paid bi-weekly (i.e. 26 times per year) will only have regular benefit deductions from 24 pay periods each calendar year. Premiums shown during your enrollment will be based on 24 pay periods. This means you will get two "benefit free" paychecks each year!
At, you will find your personalized rates for each available benefit program. You are responsible for your portion of premiums and any assessed surcharges as of your benefit effective date. If there are missed deductions, they will be automatically collected through a later paycheck. Examples include leaves of absence and missed or incorrect deductions. This may result in a larger reduction in your take-home pay.
What you pay for some benefits may depend upon your age and/or salary.
Salary includes base pay, commissions, call pay and RVU, but excludes overtime pay and bonus.
Your Benefit Salary is determined as follows:
At hire for Clinical teammates: Benefit Salary is based on the minimum salary/hours identified in your contract.
At hire for Clinical Support: Benefit Salary is your actual pay rate established upon hire.
Ongoing for Clinical teammates: Benefit Salary is your actual eligible earnings from 10/1 - 9/30. Example: Benefit Salary for 2024 will be your eligible earnings from 10/1/2022 - 9/30/2023.
Ongoing for Clinical Support teammates: Benefit Salary is based on your actual pay rate as of October 1. Example: Benefit Salary for 2024 will be based on your actual pay rate as of October 1, 2023.
The premium cost of your medical coverage is based on your salary band. For most teammates, your benefits salary is established on Oct. 1 and does not change as the result of pay and/or title updates throughout the subsequent calendar year. If you experience a title change which moves you to Vice President or above, your benefits salary will update on the effective date of the change and your benefit plans and/or salary band will be updated. The same applies if you move from VP or above to a title under Vice President.
Non-Physician Salary Bands:
- Salary Band I: Under $100K
- Salary Band II: $100K - $199K
- Salary Band III: $200K - $399K
- Salary Band IV: $400K Plus
Physician Salary Bands:
- Salary Band I: Under $400K
- Salary Band II: $400K Plus
Dependent Verification
Are you covering someone else (dependents) on any of your Envision plans?
To prepare, you will need to gather documentation to demonstrate your dependents’ relationship to you. This can include:
- Birth certificate
- Marriage license
- Court documents showing guardianship
- Domestic Partner affidavit
If you don't have copies of the above documents on hand, you should get started now since the process to request new copies varies state-to-state and processing time varies. For resources and more information, visit's helpful website with details on replacing vital documents.
Eligible dependent information is below. Visit and select the “Change My Benefits” page to see the list of required documentation.
Enrollment Tools
How to Enroll
The benefits information and enrollment site makes it easy to get information about your benefits, compare your choices and enroll. It is also your go-to resource throughout the year.
When you're ready to enroll, you can access the site in two ways:
1. Visit from your computer, smartphone or tablet.
- If you have not registered, click Register to create your username, password and security questions. Our company key is EVHC (case-sensitive).
- If you have already registered, and need to reset your password, click “Forgot your username or password?” under the Login button.
2. If you have access to OKTA, click the Benefitsolver chiclet/icon to access the benefits site.
Your Medical Plan Decision Tool
It’s not always apparent what medical plan would be best for you and your family. That’s why starting we will offer an updated version of the Your Medical Plan Decision Tool to assist you in selecting the right pathway for you to make that decision. This tool guides you to the right plan based on your income bracket. It shows you the most economic way to pay for your healthcare and the plan that makes the most sense for you long-term. Be sure to check it out before you enroll in your benefits!
Visit and click the "Your Medical Plan Decision Tool" button on the home page to explore your plans and rates.
Need Help Choosing?
Not sure which benefits are a good fit for you and your family? Choose I'd Like Help Choosing Plans when you enroll and answer a few questions to find the plans that best fit your unique needs.
MyChoice® Benefits App
The MyChoice benefits app lets you upload verification documents, store pictures of your ID cards, access coverage details, change your benefits, plus much more. Simply go to the homepage of and click Access the App to download the app and get started.
Changing Your Benefits
You can make a change during the plan year only if you experience a qualifying life event such as:
- Marriage, divorce or legal separation
- Birth or adoption of a child
- Death of a spouse or child
- Change in your or your spouse’s employment or insurance status (e.g., your spouse loses his/her job)
- Annual enrollment or qualifying for a special enrollment period (SEP) through the Health Insurance Marketplace
- Your dependent child(ren) reaching the eligibility age limit for the medical/prescription drug, dental, vision or voluntary insurance plans
- Material change in benefits (e.g., loss or gain of other coverage)
- Loss of, or becoming eligible for, Medicare, Medicaid or CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program)
If you experience such an event and wish to make a corresponding change to your coverage, you must log onto and request the change within 60 days of the event. If you miss this deadline, you may not be able to make a change until the next Annual Enrollment or until you experience another qualifying life event. Note: Dependents who become ineligible must be removed.
If you need assistance or have questions about changing your coverage following a qualifying life event, visit and chat with Sofia, your personal benefits assistant. If you prefer to speak to someone, you can call the benefits center at 1-844-771-9332.