
Know Your Options

Learn about your plan options from the following resources:


Log in to benefitsolver.com and click the Start Here button to begin enrolling. Review your personal information and add dependents* you wish to cover. As you enroll, Sofia is available to provide helpful plan information and answer questions.

Reminder: FSA elections do not roll over. You must update your elections each year.

*Be prepared: If you are adding new dependents to your coverage, you will need to provide each dependent’s legal name, Social Security number, and birth date. You may be required to provide documentation to prove your relationship to each dependent to complete your enrollment.

Review and Complete

Make sure your personal information, elections, dependents and beneficiaries are accurate, then approve your elections. To finish, click Approve

When your enrollment is complete, you will receive a confirmation number and can print your Benefit Summary for your records. 

Check the Action Required list for any additional action needed to complete your enrollment.

Can't decide which plans are right for you?

The MyChoice decision support tool to help take the guesswork out of understanding which benefits may best match your needs. Answer a few simple questions about your overall health and lifestyle to receive a personalized benefits recommendation. Your answers are for recommendation purposes only, and are never shared with your employer. 

MyChoice Mobile App

If you prefer to do things from a tablet or mobile phone, then the MyChoice mobile app is perfect for you. If you don’t already have the app, simply log on to myssbenefits.com and click Get Access Code to get started.


Sofia can help

Available to chat 24/7, Sofia is your personal benefits assistant. She uses artificial intelligence to answer any questions you may have about your benefits. Chat with Sofia on the mobile app or on myssbenefits.com.