What's New for 2023
What You Need to Know
New for 2023
Health Savings IRS contributions increased.
- Self only - $3,850 ($200 increase)
- Family - $7,750 ($450 increase)
New Eldercare Benefit with Ways and Wane.
Visit the Exhibit Hall to learn more >>
New Cancer Guidance Benefit with Navvisa.
New Benefits
Visit the exhibit hall and watch the Synopsys Benefits Video to learn more about all the resources that are available to you and your family.
What you need to do
It is a good opportunity to review your benefit options and ensure they are right for you and your family. Don't miss out!
Take Care of You
Synopsys offers many resources and programs to help you take care of you. Visit the exhibit hall to learn more about programs that support your emotional, holistic and financial wellbeing.